
Systems design, Interaction design, Visual design

Product and systems design for influential K-8 education app used by millions across the world.

Reaching over 180 countries and accessed by millions daily, Classdojo is presently one of the most influential educational technologies in the world. Through a network of tools centered around creativity, communication, and social-emotional learning, Classdojo plays a fundamental role in developing the world’s next generation.

The design team contacted me to help rethink system mechanics before their app’s annual surge of “back-to-school” traffic. What was once a tool solely for teachers, Classsdojo had since expanded into a platform for students, parents and school leaders. Acknowledging funnel data, Classdojo’s brief concluded: poor user onboarding was handicapping growth.

The executions respond to constraints like child online privacy compliance, multi-lingual audiences, and varied ranges of user technological savvyness. The designs aim to promote a sense of community and interaction between parents, teachers, and students.

What was initially scoped as a three week jam turned into a five month collaboration. My work touched mechanics, flows, and views across ClassDojo’s entire suite of apps; from iOS, to android, to web.

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  • ClientClassDojo
  • SectorTechnology, Education
  • YearApril 2017–September 2017
  • DisciplinesProduct design, Systems design, User experience, Prototyping, Digital design, User research, Usability testing
ClassDojo Signed Out Homepage
ClassDojo Signed Out Homepage
ClassDojo User Onboarding Flowchart
ClassDojo User Onboarding Flowchart

ClassDojo has been translated into 35 languages and made inroads in 180 countries...ClassDojo reaches 1% of the roughly 700 million children in grades K-8 or their equivalent globally every day, or more than 10 million kids.


ClassDojo User Onboarding Flowchart
ClassDojo User Onboarding Flowchart